This function searches for a vector of keywords within specified columns of an OWID catalog data frame. If no columns are specified, it searches all character and factor columns.
- data
A data frame, typically obtained from owid_get_catalog.
- keywords
A character vector of one or more keywords to search for. The search is case-insensitive.
- columns
An optional character vector of column names to search within. If NULL (default), all character and factor columns are searched.
A filtered data frame containing only rows that match at least one of the keywords in at least one of the specified columns.
# \donttest{
# Get the OWID catalog
catalog <- owid_get_catalog()
# Search for climate or carbon in all text columns
owid_search(catalog, c("climate", "carbon"))
#> # A tibble: 210 × 18
#> id slug type config created_at updated_at last_edited_at published_at
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 7953 hdi-vs-… Line… "{\"i… 2024-07-2… 2024-07-2… 2024-07-28 13… "2024-07-26…
#> 2 7947 low-car… Scat… "{\"i… 2024-07-2… 2024-07-2… 2024-07-22 10… "2024-07-22…
#> 3 7943 tempera… Scat… "{\"i… 2024-07-1… 2024-07-1… 2024-07-19 08… ""
#> 4 7926 global-… Stac… "{\"i… 2024-07-0… 2024-07-1… 2024-07-19 09… "2024-07-03…
#> 5 7925 spring-… Stac… "{\"i… 2024-07-0… 2024-07-0… 2024-07-05 08… "2024-07-03…
#> 6 7924 autumn-… Stac… "{\"i… 2024-07-0… 2024-07-0… 2024-07-05 08… "2024-07-03…
#> 7 7923 winter-… Stac… "{\"i… 2024-07-0… 2024-07-0… 2024-07-05 08… "2024-07-03…
#> 8 7922 summer-… Stac… "{\"i… 2024-07-0… 2024-07-0… 2024-07-05 08… "2024-07-03…
#> 9 7921 country… Stac… "{\"i… 2024-07-0… 2024-07-1… 2024-07-10 10… "2024-07-03…
#> 10 7917 materia… Stac… "{\"i… 2024-07-0… 2024-07-2… 2024-07-24 11… "2024-07-14…
#> # ℹ 200 more rows
#> # ℹ 10 more variables: last_edited_by_user_id <int>,
#> # last_edited_by_user_id_label <chr>, published_by_user_id <int>,
#> # published_by_user_id_label <chr>, is_indexable <int>, title <chr>,
#> # subtitle <chr>, note <chr>, title_plus_variant <chr>,
#> # config_with_defaults <chr>
# Search only in the title column
owid_search(catalog, c("climate", "carbon"), c("title"))
#> # A tibble: 48 × 18
#> id slug type config created_at updated_at last_edited_at published_at
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 7947 low-car… Scat… "{\"i… 2024-07-2… 2024-07-2… 2024-07-22 10… 2024-07-22 …
#> 2 7917 materia… Stac… "{\"i… 2024-07-0… 2024-07-2… 2024-07-24 11… 2024-07-14 …
#> 3 7910 co2-hea… Line… "{\"i… 2024-06-2… 2024-07-1… 2024-07-12 12… 2024-06-25 …
#> 4 7791 warm-se… Stac… "{\"i… 2024-05-0… 2024-06-2… 2024-06-28 06… 2024-06-28 …
#> 5 7634 willing… Scat… "{\"i… 2024-02-1… 2024-04-0… 2024-03-06 12… 2024-02-20 …
#> 6 7633 support… Line… "{\"i… 2024-02-1… 2024-04-1… 2024-04-16 11… 2024-02-20 …
#> 7 7632 share-b… Line… "{\"i… 2024-02-1… 2024-04-0… 2024-03-29 16… 2024-02-20 …
#> 8 7631 support… Line… "{\"i… 2024-02-1… 2024-04-0… 2024-02-20 12… 2024-02-18 …
#> 9 7630 support… Line… "{\"i… 2024-02-1… 2024-04-0… 2024-03-07 12… 2024-02-18 …
#> 10 7623 weather… Line… "{\"i… 2024-02-1… 2024-04-0… 2024-02-16 16… 2024-02-13 …
#> # ℹ 38 more rows
#> # ℹ 10 more variables: last_edited_by_user_id <int>,
#> # last_edited_by_user_id_label <chr>, published_by_user_id <int>,
#> # published_by_user_id_label <chr>, is_indexable <int>, title <chr>,
#> # subtitle <chr>, note <chr>, title_plus_variant <chr>,
#> # config_with_defaults <chr>
# }