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Retrieves information about geographical entities (countries, regions, etc.) available in the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) API.


uis_get_entities(version = NULL)



Character. The API version to use. If NULL (default), the API's default version will be used.


A data frame with information about geographical entities:


Character. The unique identifier for the entity.


Character. The name of the geographical entity.


Character. The type of entity (e.g., country, region).


Character or list. Information about the region grouping.

See also

uis_get_versions for retrieving available API versions.


# \donttest{
# Download entities for default version
#> # A tibble: 467 × 4
#>    entity_id entity_name          entity_type region_group
#>    <chr>     <chr>                <chr>       <chr>       
#>  1 ABW       Aruba                NATIONAL    NA          
#>  2 AFG       Afghanistan          NATIONAL    NA          
#>  3 AGO       Angola               NATIONAL    NA          
#>  4 AIA       Anguilla             NATIONAL    NA          
#>  5 ALA       Åland Islands        NATIONAL    NA          
#>  6 ALB       Albania              NATIONAL    NA          
#>  7 AND       Andorra              NATIONAL    NA          
#>  8 ANT       Netherlands Antilles NATIONAL    NA          
#>  9 ARE       United Arab Emirates NATIONAL    NA          
#> 10 ARG       Argentina            NATIONAL    NA          
#> # ℹ 457 more rows

# Download entities for a specific version
#> # A tibble: 475 × 4
#>    entity_id entity_name          entity_type region_group
#>    <chr>     <chr>                <chr>       <chr>       
#>  1 ABW       Aruba                NATIONAL    NA          
#>  2 AFG       Afghanistan          NATIONAL    NA          
#>  3 AGO       Angola               NATIONAL    NA          
#>  4 AIA       Anguilla             NATIONAL    NA          
#>  5 ALA       Åland Islands        NATIONAL    NA          
#>  6 ALB       Albania              NATIONAL    NA          
#>  7 AND       Andorra              NATIONAL    NA          
#>  8 ANT       Netherlands Antilles NATIONAL    NA          
#>  9 ARE       United Arab Emirates NATIONAL    NA          
#> 10 ARG       Argentina            NATIONAL    NA          
#> # ℹ 465 more rows
# }