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This function retrieves information about geographies (countries and regions) from the World Bank API. It returns a tibble containing various details such as the geography's ID, ISO2 code, name, region information, lending type, capital city, and coordinates.


wdi_get_geographies(language = "en", per_page = 1000)



A character string specifying the language for the API response. Defaults to "en" (English). Other supported options include "es" (Spanish), "fr" (French), and others depending on the API.


An integer specifying the number of records to fetch per request. Defaults to 1000.


A tibble with the following columns:


A character string representing the geography's unique identifier.


A character string for the name of the geography.


A character string for the ISO2 country code.


A character string for the type of the geography ("country" or "region").


A character string representing the region's unique identifier.


A character string for the name of the region.


A character string for the ISO2 region code.


A character string representing the administrative region's unique identifier.


A character string for the name of the administrative region.


A character string for the ISO2 code of the administrative region.


A character string representing the geography's income level.


A character string for the name of the income level.


A character string for the ISO2 code of the income level.


A character string representing the lending type's unique identifier.


A character string for the name of the lending type.


A character string for the ISO2 code of the lending type.


A character string for the name of the capital city.


A numeric value for the longitude of the geography.


A numeric value for the latitude of the geography.


This function sends a request to the World Bank API to retrieve data for all supported geographies in the specified language. The data is then processed into a tidy format and includes information about the country, such as its ISO code, capital city, geographical coordinates, and additional metadata about regions, income levels, and lending types.


# Download all geographies in English
#> # A tibble: 296 × 19
#>    geography_id geography_iso2code geography_type capital_city    geography_name
#>    <chr>        <chr>              <chr>          <chr>           <chr>         
#>  1 ABW          AW                 Country        Oranjestad      Aruba         
#>  2 AFE          ZH                 Region         NA              Africa Easter…
#>  3 AFG          AF                 Country        Kabul           Afghanistan   
#>  4 AFR          A9                 Region         NA              Africa        
#>  5 AFW          ZI                 Region         NA              Africa Wester…
#>  6 AGO          AO                 Country        Luanda          Angola        
#>  7 ALB          AL                 Country        Tirane          Albania       
#>  8 AND          AD                 Country        Andorra la Vel… Andorra       
#>  9 ARB          1A                 Region         NA              Arab World    
#> 10 ARE          AE                 Country        Abu Dhabi       United Arab E…
#> # ℹ 286 more rows
#> # ℹ 14 more variables: region_id <chr>, region_iso2code <chr>,
#> #   region_name <chr>, admin_region_id <chr>, admin_region_iso2code <chr>,
#> #   admin_region_name <chr>, income_level_id <chr>,
#> #   income_level_iso2code <chr>, income_level_name <chr>,
#> #   lending_type_id <chr>, lending_type_iso2code <chr>,
#> #   lending_type_name <chr>, longitude <dbl>, latitude <dbl>

# Download all geographies in Spanish
wdi_get_geographies(language = "zh")
#> # A tibble: 296 × 19
#>    geography_id geography_iso2code geography_type capital_city geography_name  
#>    <chr>        <chr>              <chr>          <chr>        <chr>           
#>  1 ABW          AW                 Country        奥拉涅斯塔德 阿鲁巴          
#>  2 AFE          ZH                 Country        NA           NA              
#>  3 AFG          AF                 Country        喀布尔       阿富汗          
#>  4 AFR          A9                 Country        NA           NA              
#>  5 AFW          ZI                 Country        NA           NA              
#>  6 AGO          AO                 Country        罗安达       安哥拉          
#>  7 ALB          AL                 Country        地拉那       阿尔巴尼亚      
#>  8 AND          AD                 Country        安道尔城     安道尔共和国    
#>  9 ARB          1A                 Country        NA           阿拉伯联盟国家  
#> 10 ARE          AE                 Country        阿布扎比     阿拉伯联合酋长国
#> # ℹ 286 more rows
#> # ℹ 14 more variables: region_id <chr>, region_iso2code <chr>,
#> #   region_name <chr>, admin_region_id <chr>, admin_region_iso2code <chr>,
#> #   admin_region_name <chr>, income_level_id <chr>,
#> #   income_level_iso2code <chr>, income_level_name <chr>,
#> #   lending_type_id <chr>, lending_type_iso2code <chr>,
#> #   lending_type_name <chr>, longitude <dbl>, latitude <dbl>