Download all countries and regions from the World Bank API
This function retrieves information about geographies (countries and regions) from the World Bank API. It returns a tibble containing various details such as the geography's ID, ISO2 code, name, region information, lending type, capital city, and coordinates.
A tibble with the following columns:
- geography_id
A character string representing the geography's unique identifier.
- geography_name
A character string for the name of the geography.
- geography_iso2code
A character string for the ISO2 country code.
- geography_type
A character string for the type of the geography ("country" or "region").
- region_id
A character string representing the region's unique identifier.
- region_name
A character string for the name of the region.
- region_iso2code
A character string for the ISO2 region code.
- admin_region_id
A character string representing the administrative region's unique identifier.
- admin_region_name
A character string for the name of the administrative region.
- admin_region_iso2code
A character string for the ISO2 code of the administrative region.
- income_level_id
A character string representing the geography's income level.
- income_level_name
A character string for the name of the income level.
- income_level_iso2code
A character string for the ISO2 code of the income level.
- lending_type_id
A character string representing the lending type's unique identifier.
- lending_type_name
A character string for the name of the lending type.
- lending_type_iso2code
A character string for the ISO2 code of the lending type.
- capital_city
A character string for the name of the capital city.
- longitude
A numeric value for the longitude of the geography.
- latitude
A numeric value for the latitude of the geography.
This function sends a request to the World Bank API to retrieve data for all supported geographies in the specified language. The data is then processed into a tidy format and includes information about the country, such as its ISO code, capital city, geographical coordinates, and additional metadata about regions, income levels, and lending types.
# Download all geographies in English
#> # A tibble: 296 × 19
#> geography_id geography_iso2code geography_type capital_city geography_name
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 ABW AW Country Oranjestad Aruba
#> 2 AFE ZH Region NA Africa Easter…
#> 3 AFG AF Country Kabul Afghanistan
#> 4 AFR A9 Region NA Africa
#> 5 AFW ZI Region NA Africa Wester…
#> 6 AGO AO Country Luanda Angola
#> 7 ALB AL Country Tirane Albania
#> 8 AND AD Country Andorra la Vel… Andorra
#> 9 ARB 1A Region NA Arab World
#> 10 ARE AE Country Abu Dhabi United Arab E…
#> # ℹ 286 more rows
#> # ℹ 14 more variables: region_id <chr>, region_iso2code <chr>,
#> # region_name <chr>, admin_region_id <chr>, admin_region_iso2code <chr>,
#> # admin_region_name <chr>, income_level_id <chr>,
#> # income_level_iso2code <chr>, income_level_name <chr>,
#> # lending_type_id <chr>, lending_type_iso2code <chr>,
#> # lending_type_name <chr>, longitude <dbl>, latitude <dbl>
# Download all geographies in Spanish
wdi_get_geographies(language = "zh")
#> # A tibble: 296 × 19
#> geography_id geography_iso2code geography_type capital_city geography_name
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 ABW AW Country 奥拉涅斯塔德 阿鲁巴
#> 2 AFE ZH Country NA NA
#> 3 AFG AF Country 喀布尔 阿富汗
#> 4 AFR A9 Country NA NA
#> 5 AFW ZI Country NA NA
#> 6 AGO AO Country 罗安达 安哥拉
#> 7 ALB AL Country 地拉那 阿尔巴尼亚
#> 8 AND AD Country 安道尔城 安道尔共和国
#> 9 ARB 1A Country NA 阿拉伯联盟国家
#> 10 ARE AE Country 阿布扎比 阿拉伯联合酋长国
#> # ℹ 286 more rows
#> # ℹ 14 more variables: region_id <chr>, region_iso2code <chr>,
#> # region_name <chr>, admin_region_id <chr>, admin_region_iso2code <chr>,
#> # admin_region_name <chr>, income_level_id <chr>,
#> # income_level_iso2code <chr>, income_level_name <chr>,
#> # lending_type_id <chr>, lending_type_iso2code <chr>,
#> # lending_type_name <chr>, longitude <dbl>, latitude <dbl>