Download income levels from the World Bank API
This function returns a tibble of supported income levels for querying the World Bank API. The income levels categorize countries based on their gross national income per capita.
A tibble with columns that typically include:
- income_level_id
An integer identifier for the income level.
- income_level_iso2code
A character string representing the ISO2 code for the income level.
- income_level_name
The description of the income level (e.g., "Low income", "High income").
This function provides a reference for the supported income levels, which categorize countries according to their income group as defined by the World Bank. The language parameter allows the results to be returned in different languages as supported by the API.
# Download all income levels in English
#> # A tibble: 7 × 3
#> income_level_id income_level_iso2code income_level_name
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 HIC XD High income
#> 2 INX XY Not classified
#> 3 LIC XM Low income
#> 4 LMC XN Lower middle income
#> 5 LMY XO Low & middle income
#> 6 MIC XP Middle income
#> 7 UMC XT Upper middle income