This function returns a tibble of supported data sources for querying the World Bank API. The data sources include various databases and datasets provided by the World Bank.
A tibble with six columns:
- source_id
An integer identifier for the data source.
- source_code
A character string for the source code.
- source_name
The name of the data source (e.g., "World Development Indicators").
- update_date
The last update date of the data source.
- is_data_available
A boolean indicating whether data is available.
- is_metadata_available
A boolean indicating whether metadata is available.
- concepts
The number of concepts defined for the data source.
This function provides a reference for the supported data sources
and their metadata when querying the World Bank API. The columns
and is_metadata_available
are logical values
derived from the API response, where "Y" indicates availability.
# Download all available data sources in English
#> # A tibble: 69 × 7
#> source_id source_code source_name update_date is_data_available
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <date> <lgl>
#> 1 1 DBS Doing Business 2021-08-18 TRUE
#> 2 2 WDI World Development Indica… 2024-12-16 TRUE
#> 3 3 WGI Worldwide Governance Ind… 2024-11-05 TRUE
#> 4 5 SNM Subnational Malnutrition… 2016-03-21 TRUE
#> 5 6 IDS International Debt Stati… 2024-12-03 TRUE
#> 6 11 ADI Africa Development Indic… 2013-02-22 TRUE
#> 7 12 EDS Education Statistics 2024-06-25 TRUE
#> 8 13 ESY Enterprise Surveys 2022-03-25 TRUE
#> 9 14 GDS Gender Statistics 2024-12-17 TRUE
#> 10 15 GEM Global Economic Monitor 2025-01-27 TRUE
#> # ℹ 59 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: is_metadata_available <lgl>, concepts <int>