This function returns a tibble of supported topics for querying the World Bank API. Topics represent the broad subject areas covered by the World Bank's datasets.
A tibble with three columns:
- id
The unique identifier for the topic.
- value
The name of the topic (e.g., "Education", "Health").
- source_note
A brief description or note about the topic.
This function provides a reference for the supported topics that can be used to refine your queries when accessing the World Bank API. Topics represent different areas of focus for data analysis.
# Download all available topics in English
#> # A tibble: 21 × 3
#> topic_id topic_name topic_note
#> <int> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 1 Agriculture & Rural Development "For the 70 percent of the world's …
#> 2 2 Aid Effectiveness "Aid effectiveness is the impact th…
#> 3 3 Economy & Growth "Economic growth is central to econ…
#> 4 4 Education "Education is one of the most power…
#> 5 5 Energy & Mining "The world economy needs ever-incre…
#> 6 6 Environment "Natural and man-made environmental…
#> 7 7 Financial Sector "An economy's financial markets are…
#> 8 8 Health "Improving health is central to the…
#> 9 9 Infrastructure "Infrastructure helps determine the…
#> 10 10 Social Protection & Labor "The supply of labor available in a…
#> # ℹ 11 more rows