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Retrieves data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) API for specified entities, indicators, and time periods.


  entities = NULL,
  indicators = NULL,
  start_year = NULL,
  end_year = NULL,
  version = NULL



Character vector. The entity IDs (geoUnits) to retrieve data for. Must provide either this parameter or indicators or both.


Character vector. The indicator IDs to retrieve data for. Must provide either this parameter or entities or both.


Numeric or character. The starting year for the data retrieval period. If NULL, no start year constraint is applied.


Numeric or character. The ending year for the data retrieval period. If NULL, no end year constraint is applied.


Character. The API version to use. If NULL, the default version is used.


A data frame with the following columns:


Character. The ID of the entity (geoUnit).


Character. The ID of the indicator.


Numeric. The year of the observation.


Numeric. The value of the indicator for the given entity and year.

See also

uis_get_entities for retrieving available geographical entities and uis_get_versions for retrieving available API versions


# \donttest{
# Get all data for a single indicator
  indicators = "CR.1"
#> # A tibble: 1,552 × 4
#>    entity_id indicator_id  year value
#>    <chr>     <chr>        <int> <dbl>
#>  1 AFG       CR.1          2011  40.7
#>  2 AFG       CR.1          2015  54.5
#>  3 AFG       CR.1          2022  44.2
#>  4 AGO       CR.1          2015  60.0
#>  5 ALB       CR.1          2000  95.2
#>  6 ALB       CR.1          2005  98.9
#>  7 ALB       CR.1          2009  98.2
#>  8 ALB       CR.1          2017  97.4
#>  9 ARG       CR.1          2000  95.5
#> 10 ARG       CR.1          2001  95.6
#> # ℹ 1,542 more rows

# Get all data for a single country
  entities = "BRA"
#> # A tibble: 46,290 × 4
#>    entity_id indicator_id  year value
#>    <chr>     <chr>        <int> <dbl>
#>  1 BRA       10            1999     0
#>  2 BRA       10            2000     0
#>  3 BRA       10            2001     0
#>  4 BRA       10            2002     0
#>  5 BRA       10            2003     0
#>  6 BRA       10            2004     0
#>  7 BRA       10            2005     0
#>  8 BRA       10            2006     0
#>  9 BRA       10            2007     0
#> 10 BRA       10            2008     0
#> # ℹ 46,280 more rows

# Get data for multiple indicators and countries
  entities = c("BRA", "USA"),
  indicators = c("CR.1", "CR.2")
#> # A tibble: 66 × 4
#>    entity_id indicator_id  year value
#>    <chr>     <chr>        <int> <dbl>
#>  1 BRA       CR.1          2001  82  
#>  2 BRA       CR.1          2002  84.1
#>  3 BRA       CR.1          2003  86.6
#>  4 BRA       CR.1          2004  87.4
#>  5 BRA       CR.1          2005  87.9
#>  6 BRA       CR.1          2006  89.3
#>  7 BRA       CR.1          2007  88.4
#>  8 BRA       CR.1          2008  88.4
#>  9 BRA       CR.1          2009  88.6
#> 10 BRA       CR.1          2011  89.9
#> # ℹ 56 more rows

# Get data for multiple indicators and countries and specific time range
  entities = c("BRA", "USA"),
  indicators = c("CR.1", "CR.2"),
  start_year = 2010,
  end_year = 2020
#> # A tibble: 36 × 4
#>    entity_id indicator_id  year value
#>    <chr>     <chr>        <int> <dbl>
#>  1 BRA       CR.1          2011  89.9
#>  2 BRA       CR.1          2012  91.6
#>  3 BRA       CR.1          2013  91.5
#>  4 BRA       CR.1          2014  92.9
#>  5 BRA       CR.1          2015  93.2
#>  6 BRA       CR.1          2016  93.8
#>  7 BRA       CR.1          2017  94.6
#>  8 BRA       CR.1          2018  95.1
#>  9 BRA       CR.1          2019  95.7
#> 10 BRA       CR.1          2020  96.3
#> # ℹ 26 more rows
# }